
Friday 17 May 2013


And so you are face to face with an upsetting reality.
The sun still shines, oblivious to the on-going misery.
It warms the skin but fails to warm the heart, which at times is in tatters.
And so…you carry on as per usual.
Reluctant to give in yet the option is open.
State of mind can become toxic,
Thinking trails to lonely and depressed zones.
What more can be said…
If there had been a memo, 10 years ago this would be the future, maybe just maybe some decisions would not have been taken.
Society keeps looking on with expectation.
Families are tapping their feet impatiently.
And there’s not more to be done but to hope.
Hope & hope & hope. That someday, one lucky day fate would favour you.
Until then you wallow, you are swallowed.
By the reality your life is interconnected into.
Time does not hold back. Days aren’t paused.
Life itself ticks away, years elapse and growth continues. Yet there’s still one life-line: HOPE.
Where is it found? How can it be used?
Dark as the mind and exhausted is the heart. Hope holds together all rationality.
Holds together looking forward to tomorrow.
It lets eyes try to see beyond the now and believe there’s more to life.
If there wasn’t….why would one be breathing?
But because hope still forces one to rise each day… as strenuous as it would be.
Others are faced with far worse.
But this is this reality.
Yet choose to envelope this stale state of mind with this promising hope.
-Thandi Xaba

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