
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Foreign Dream

One day that laugh will be my morning melody, blissful and I shall be engulfed in your aura.

Sense unknown, smothered in this pull of humour, a diamond worthless in the eyes of the vain.

Your knowledge I dream to gain.

Days are an enjoyment with your presence in them, blessed to have met a soul so tame.

Ways I’m intrigued by you…limited by names.

Restricted by time, forever cruising in my mind.

What is it called when it’s not an often find?

The wishes and hopes our hearts carry,

Seem too heavy, desires too crazy.

Why have we been created to attract others?

So far from reach yet our imaginations display not typical but extra-ordinary possibilities.

Re-playing the captured smile, plastered on my memory’s walls.

The rush of your words, that’s all I am concerned about.

A harmless sound, the support I get from you has lifted me off the ground.

A re-play of that star lit night, looking on two soulful birds that understand our plight.

A resemble of your ray of immense light.

A rush of feelings I’m unfamiliar with,

But again, pits and rough edges seem to slow my happiness.

Our baggage and their concerns,

Allow love to give us a turn.

-Thandi Xaba

Septemebr 2009

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